Arizona Law Firm Taylor & Associates Selects Firmidable for Workers’ Compensation Marketing

We welcome to the Firmidable family the respected workers’ comp law firm Taylor & Associates.

Based in Phoenix but serving the entire state of Arizona, Taylor & Associates has been helping injured workers since 1975.

To reach even more workers who need a workers’ compensation lawyer, Taylor & Associates asked Firmidable to create and manage a Paid Search advertising campaign.

Bruce Rosenberg, the managing partner of Taylor & Associates said, “Firmidable ignited the most positive, optimistic and encouraging energy I have felt from my partners in many months. Everyone believes the future is brighter after considering the potentials and possibilities.”

“When Bruce and his associates called us to help them build a pipeline of more workers’ comp cases, we knew which advertising tools to use,” recalls Firmidable president Nathan Chapman. “In fact, we’re just the people to ask. Firmidable is the nations’ #1 advertising agency for workers’ comp lawyers.”

Start with Paid Search


Why Your Law Firm Marketing Should Start with Paid Search

How Can You Learn More about Traditional and Digital Marketing for Workers’ Comp Lawyers?

Paid Search is an important type of online marketing for lawyers. It’s often referred to as Pay Per Click or PPC, and even simply as Google ads—although sometimes the campaigns may use other search engines, such as Bing ads for lawyers.

These internet ads represent some of the most effective digital marketing for generating leads and new cases for law firms.

You can read in detail about how Paid Search works in law firm marketing, and watch a webinar on demand, in this article on Paid Search for law firms.

If you’re a workers’ compensation lawyer, you can learn more about workers’ comp marketing in general, including law firm branding, digital advertising and even television marketing for workers’ comp lawyers, on this page dedicated to workers’ comp law firm marketing.

And the best way to learn about the most effective law firm marketing for you is to have a complimentary consultation with Firmidable, the most strategic traditional and digital marketing agency for law firms. You can contact us here.

Firmidable has been a national expert in legal marketing for 30 years. It brings law firms customized, data-driven marketing strategies and services, including online and traditional media for a wide range of legal practices. From Maine to Hawaii, it has transformed the lives of attorneys—and their clients.

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About the Author: Doug Cardinale

Doug Cardinale is a former senior account executive at Firmidable. He worked with lawyers across America to strengthen their law firm marketing and help them gain the most new cases from their campaigns, bringing a business-minded approach to law firms. Doug previously founded a hyper-local news website and a small digital marketing agency. He also worked in software and information technology sales. And he fluently speaks German.

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